To celebrate the 91st anniversary of the establishment of the union, CNCTech organized the launch of “CNCTech Youth – Youth Month” to celebrate the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

CNCTech launches Youth Month 2022.
“A cold head – A hot heart – A golden hand”- That’s what union members and young people at CNCTech are still continuously creating for themselves. The previous values have been recognized and remained unforgettable in everyone’s heart.
The celebrating program in March 18, 2022 was a great success. Singings, slogans are resounded as eloquent affirmations of determination, fiery hearts – the fire of enthusiasm, creativity, and effort still flowing in each CNCTech member.
Listening to the speeches of previous comrades who are fueling the fire for the next generation makes each person understand that: “Where there is a need, there will be young generation”.

Chairman Nguyen Van Hung spoke at the ceremony.
Also to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the founding of the union, CNCTech also organized the launch of “The month of youth – the youth of CNCTech emulate to celebrate the founding day of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union”, competitions “The corner of work I love”, ” Double productivity”…
In particular, on the occasion of CNCTech’s anniversary, the groundbreaking ceremony of CNCTech Lotus 2 was solemnly held – the remarkable event of youth month. The ceremony was extremely successful, opening a new beginning for a brilliant CNCTech. “A year begins in the spring. A young life begins. Youth is the spring of society.
CNCTech has been spreading an enthusiastic, bubbly youth spirit throughout its development. Just as building a house requires a drawing, young people who is trying to perfect their personality also need a model to look up to, CNCTech is also constantly changing to step up, constantly improving the value of themselves to be a role model for all union members and young people to learn and follow.
It is hoped that not only in the next one or two years, but also in the ten-year and twenty-year journey, beyond that, the spirit of youth dedication and self-worth to everyone and society will be spread. radiated and kept firmly at CNCTech.